Monday, 24 March 2014

Nigeria Fashion Police Emmy Collins Slams Dencia, Annie/Tuface Idibia

Lmao....This Emmy Collins will not kill someone. Fashion designer and critic is here again slamming celebs. who don't make fashion proud. The slamming on Dencia and Tuface/Annie was really the height of it for me.  Emmy Collins is never a fan for bleachers so you can imagine what he said about Dencia. Then he didn't spare off Tuface Idibia instagram picture of Annie during their one year wedding anniversary.   Read below... 

" Is she really not 30yrs old yet? If so then bleaching is really the ultimate bitch.She sure looks a few years older than Janet Jackson and she is already on the wrong side of 40. Regardless of what this chick wants us to believe,she appears to be having a tough life because you can`t be in your early 20s and look this old if you are living a honky dory sort of life."


"According the info I just received this was the image of Annie idibia that Tuface,her husband not an enemy or frenemy put up on instagram congratulating her on their first year anniversary.
 I have recognised Tuface as a top artist in Naija but never as someone with class but even at that I would expect Tuface to recognise the raggedy-ness of this image and ensure that it never sees the light of the day.This is a razz as they come.Just look at the background behind this image and weep profusely for Annie and Tuface. Naija has the most rachet celebrities gang EVER."

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