Saturday 22 February 2014

Chris Moyles apologises over tax avoidance scheme, Twitter still thinks he’s a moron

Moyles apologises for tax dodging, Twitter still thinks he's a moron
Chris Moyles claimed he was a used car salesman at a company called Working Wheels to avoid paying tax (Picture: PA)
Chris Moyles has said he accepts ‘full responsibility’ after it emerged he claimed to be a second-hand car dealer as part of a tax avoidance scheme.
The former Radio 1 DJ, who turns 40 today, pretended to have made a loss as a Working Wheels salesman to avoid paying tax on £1 million of his income between 2007 and 2008.
Setting the record straight, he tweeted last night: ‘I want to comment about a recent tribunal tax ruling.
‘Upon advice, I signed up to a scheme which I was assured was legal. Despite this, my knowledge of the dealings of the scheme were naive.
‘I’m not a tax expert and acted on advice I was given. This was a mistake.
‘I take full responsibility and have learnt a valuable lesson,’ he added.
A tribunal ruled that it was ‘quite clear’ Moyles had ‘entered the scheme for no purpose other than to achieve a tax saving, and that he took no interest in the trade’.
Unsurprisingly, Twitter users were not feeling too sympathetic this morning.
Turn out Chris moyles dodged tax by pretending to be a 2nd hand car salesman. sounds par for the course. He pretended to be funny for years

The most disturbing thing about the Chris Moyles case is how he's ever earned any kind of money in the first place.

Chris Moyles was closer than we think by claiming to be a used car salesman. If he'd put comedian or DJ it would have been a blatant lie.

The remarkable thing about the Chris Moyles tax story is that he has earned so much money. Not bad for someone with a huge talent deficit.

I really wish Chris Moyles didn't get caught cheating tax now. Mainly because I forgot about that absolute cumstain.
Ooh will this tax-dodging be the end of Chris Moyles? Have long dreamed of seeing the bigoted bantz peddler penniless and humiliated
I don't know why everyone is going mad about Chris Moyles pretending to be a car dealer. He pretended to be a DJ and tv presenter for years

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