Thursday 19 June 2014

Sister Narrates How Kidnapped Girls Returned Untouched and Unhurt 10 Days After

 Ejura and Unekwu Opaluwa were abducted by five gunmen on the 8 June from their house in Karmo, Abuja. The gunmen had carried out a robbery attack on the family and were said to be dissatisfied with the amount of money found and thus abducted the girls. Their abductors had first asked for a N200 million ransom but they later called the family and reduced it to N150 million.
             The news of the return of the girls, 23-year-old Ejura Opaluwa and 19-year-old Unekwu Opaluwa, was announced by the family on Tuesday. The girls were said to have been abandoned by their captors at a location from where they found their way home on Tuesday.

An uncle of the abducted sisters, Amadi Opaluwa, who made the news did not disclose whether the family paid ransom in the amount of N150m or not, he thanked God for safe return of the girls, and said the family intended to hold a press conference the following day.

Now the elder sister to Ejura and Unekwu, pictured with the girls above, has narrated on Facebook how the girls got home, thanking everyone for the prayers. Read her account below...

After a horrible 10 days, as we sat down for devotion this morning we heard bangings on the gate. Who is that? my aunty's shouted. Ejura and Unekwu!, they shouted. We screamed! threw our bibles in the air, ran downstairs and then we saw them: Wearing what they wore last week sunday when they were abducted. hair uncombed, but totally healthy. My sisters are back. Unhurt, untouched, and our family is together again.

It was an emotional morning, with tears, joy, laughter, screaming, and any form of expression possible. I wish to thank every one who prayed, visited, cooked, and offered any kind of support during our trying times. I have prayed that God will not wait until your trying time, He will start blessing you now!!!! Thank you so much. My gratitude goes to God for He has answered my prayers. He is faithful and has spared us pain.- Chenemi

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