Saturday 21 June 2014

8 Reasons Why Women Cheat With Married Men

I found this great article so I decided to share it with my readers...funny enough this article says it all about why women prefer to cheat on their partners with married men...And that headline photo, so hilarious!..Indeed that should be the quickest divorce.
These days it has become a norm to see many single women going out with married men and it’s not like these men will divorce their wives for them but yet they stick to them and you just can’t fathom why. They clearly know honesty and trust is not something they can demand, because since he’s cheating on her with you, they know for sure even if they divorce and get back to them, he can do same to them but they still want such men.

 We gathered their information and came out with some interesting findings, why women cheat with married men and here are 8 reasons why women cheat with married men though they know there wouldn’t be any commitment. Find out more below.

 Most ladies feel secured dating married men because they know or feel they are cheating with them apart from their wives. They are secured in the area of getting infected. A married man cannot be stupid to expose their affairs. Their secret affairs are kept safe.  

 As the saying goes these days, “Swag can’t pay the bills” and most single men are stingy according to some women because they are so irresponsible and so can’t save.  it’s easy for a married man to pay the bills than a single man and they can spoil you with cash. Financial security is also a very big reason why women cheat with married men, because married men easily pay than single men. Married men on the other hand are responsible and because of that, they manage their finances and so are able to cater for their family and also that of their “side chick”.

Some women just cheat with married men because they just want to revenge on what their ex did to them. Probably she lost her boyfriend to another woman in a painful way. She now directs here resentments towards the wrong guy who is ready to give in. Such women feel satisfied just knowing she’s sneaking on another woman’s man.

 Some women just love the fun of dating another woman’s husband. They just love the thrill, the escapades etc. that it brings. One specifically stated, “there is nothing so exciting and thrilling than having sex in his matrimonial bed, it’s so adventurous, it’s so good, it gives you an orgasm you can never forget” It will surprise you to know that, just the idea of dating another woman’s property is exciting to some women. Sneaking around has its thrills. The sex itself may be more lusty because it’s clandestine. The need to be secretive, sneak around undiscovered, grabbing quick sexual encounters on the fly, can be a huge turn-on in comparison to a dinner date with a single man who calls on Wednesday night for Friday. Especially for rule-breakers, it’s just more fun being naughty.  

Some also love to date married men because of the freedom it brings. Both parties know there wouldn’t be any commitment and so the woman has the freedom to go out with other younger guys and still get to keep him.
Since he knows he also has a wife and wouldn’t want to keep you tied down, most married men do not hold you down. Some women just love it that way and wouldn’t want to be controlled and tied down with a single man. Because for some single women, a relationship with a man who is married gives you breathing room. 

Some women will rather date a married man than a single man because they believe they are experienced compared to single men. Women love men who understand their emotions and it takes a married man to understand this because they’ve been there than that. Funny enough it sometimes turns out to be true. If a woman starts making a fuss about trivial issues, a married has seen a woman go through pregnancy, raised kids and thrown more tantrums you could ever bring on board and so it’s child’s play to them and handling their emotional issues are simpler than what a single would have done.

There’s also the super-competitive woman who craves the competition, seeing mate poaching as the mother lode of wins to boost her self-esteem. The hotter her rival, the hotter she is, the more she feels superior to the wife in terms of having the goods that men want.
For these women, feeling superior has less to do with the man in question and how desirable he is, and more to do with being more powerful than and superior to the other woman.  

Some women will date a married man because they believe they are more responsible than single men. Since they are taking care of a family, they are more responsible and stay in tune with their needs, understands them emotionally and physically. They take charge of their shortcomings and advertise them better. They have the experience and so taking control of situations comes easy to them and some women find this attractive and so will prefer to stick to a married man than search for her own.

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