Tuesday 18 March 2014

Chris Brown Ordered To Remain In Jail For Another Month

Chris Brown was ordered to remain in jail for another month following his arrest after he was thrown out from rehab center for violating internal rules.
He was dismissed from a Malibu facility where he was receiving treatment for anger management, substance abuse, and issues related to bipolar disorder.
 The treatment facility claimed Brown violated three rules: refused to take a drug test, made a statement that alarmed rehab officials, and touched the elbow of a female client.
  Rehab officials told Superior Court Judge James R. Brandlin that Brown said during a group session, "I am good at using guns and knives."
In his court hearing on Monday, Brandlin rejected Chris lawyer Geragos' request that the singer be released into a different rehab program.
 Brown has been under court supervision since pleading guilty to felony assault in 2009 of his then-girlfriend Rihanna.
He was sentenced to three months of inpatient rehab after he was charged with misdemeanor assault from a fight late last year in Washington D.C. That trial is scheduled for April 17. 

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